Phone: (+230) 57 70 72 35
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Booking Form

Please fill in the form with every details and sit tight while we get back to you.
Thank you for your trust in CocoDeZil.


Boat Tour FAQ's

Here are some FAQs by our customers.
Don't worry, you can still ask more questions when we get back to you.


Fill in the booking form and we will contact you on the same day to confirm the booking and get more details.

You will not have to pay extra or buy anything to enjoy snorkeling in our waters. You will be given life jackets where and when required and snorkeling equipments no matter the package you choose. But you can bring your own equipments if you have any.

We always check the weather before confirming any bookings, but if the weather goes unexpectedly bad, the tour can be cancelled for the day and reported for another day. (Depending on how bad the weeather gets)

You can bring your own water and some small snacks. However, since we provide lunch in some of our packages, we do not allow any lunch onboard and alchool. Alchool are provided in some packages.

Our staffs speak English, French and Mauritian Creole.

Yes - we have daily vegetarian/ vegan option.

Please do let us know if you are pregnant. We will make sure you have a smooth trip.

It is always recommended to bring sunscreen, a hat and, if necessary, a pair of rock shoes and clean beach towels. Snorkeling masks are available on board.

Again, please let us know so that we can arrange and see if you can do the trip. We would love to have you on the trip and we will try our best to sort everything out.